Reorganisation + Legal Form Design
Is there a change in the ownership structure, does the company keep growing, or is its purpose being “realigned”? From time to time, it is important to take a bird’s eye view and set a new course. With PFK+, you have a competent partner at your side who knows and can avoid the pitfalls of reorganisation tax law. So you can get off to a new start!
Business Coaching + Controlling
The company’s figures are not only valuable when looking at the past, but even more important for future-oriented decisions. We as PFK+ are your sparring partner in all financial matters. We provide input and feedback.
Takeover + Handover
Whether it’s a generational change in the family business or a sale/purchase – a realignment must be well planned and prepared. This requires expertise and tact in order to create an optimal balance of interests. After all: you always meet twice in life!
PLUS: Guide through the tax jungle – so that all that “tax saving” won’t make you forget to make a profit!